
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Anatomy of a TeaBuy - In a World Wide Pandemic

Semi-wild and Wild Tea Hwagae Valley Jeri Mountain, Korea We at Morning Crane Tea have been offering select Korean teas for a number of years. A Few years ago we began to call these offerings ‘TeaBuy Korea’ because the name Morning Crane Tea doesn’t really say what we do and the web wants to know. As you know, we are not a regular tea shop. We don’t pre-purchase teas and try to sell them at a profit. We actually make very little money for the time we spend trying to educate you about Korean teas and getting them into your cup. You may already know we often offer some teas at our cost. Our goal is to educate the tea world about the wonderful teas Korea is producing. Morning Crane Tea and TeaBuy Korea has always tried to get teas to you as quickly as possible but sometimes things are beyond our control. First, there are just two of us doing this. So that simple fact alone can delay everything. But this year the worldwide pandemic has added and extra way of delaying everything.